EVENT UPDATE | We remain committed to presenting Sessions 7-12 of the 2021 Lewis Eady Junior Music Contest for Piano if we can. We will monitor the situation closely and follow government guidelines.
Revised dates to be announced as soon as reasonably possible.
Thank you for your patience, and stay safe.



14 - 15 August
21 - 22 August (postponed)

We will advise new dates to present the LEJMC for Piano, Sessions 7-12, when reasonably possible.

Venue: Lewis Eady Steinway Showroom, 75 Great South Road, Epsom


LEWIS EADY JUNIOR MUSIC CONTEST for PIANO is open to all primary and intermediate school children.

This contest is a performance opportunity for children at all levels of musical achievement.
We aim to encourage young musicians to perform and to gain valuable performance experience and confidence.

Deserving performances will be acknowledged with awards.
The contest adjudicators also provide constructive and encouraging written comments for all performances.




Congratulations to all performers who took part in the first weekend of the Lewis Eady Junior Music Contest for Piano - Sessions 1 to 6 held on the 14th & 15th of August at the Lewis Eady Steinway Showroom.

We were very fortunate to enjoy two music-filled days, featuring 121 young pianists who performed for family, friends and teachers on the beautiful Steinway Model D.

Adjudicators; Sylvia Jiang and Tony Yan Tong Chen listened to each performance and were generous with ideas and advice in the Awards Ceremony presentations for these aspiring pianists.

In addition to our piano Gold, Silver and Bronze Award winners, we would like to mention those pianists who received an Irene Rhodes Beck Award. This award acknowledges performers with X-factor ability to communicate the sheer joy of music-making.

Irene Rhodes Beck Award winners for LEJMC for Piano Sessions 1 to 6 are; Justin Feng, Jayden Wong, Kerry (Hangyeol) Kang, Lucas Gao, Jason Dong-Jin Seo, Kelly Zeng, Hannah Li, Henry Wang, Leo Zhao Xuan Liu and Kate Xu.

A decision for a winner of the Lewis Eady Cup trophy and Robyn Marie Wilson cash prize has yet to be decided. We will keep you posted.

We hope to plan new dates to present the LEJMC for Piano Sessions 7 to 12 as soon as Lockdown Alert Levels allow.

 Stay home, stay safe and stay practising!


2021 LEJMC for Piano | Sessions 1 to 6 | Click on image to enlarge >

LEJMC - Lapel Pin Design