
Jiazhou Conroy Hu began his piano studies at the age of eight. He attended The University of Auckland studying Classical Performance. Conroy is currently studying with Rae de Lisle and Matteo Napoli. He is one of the Auckland Philharmonia’s Haydn Staples Piano Scholars for 2021.

Conroy is an avid composer, with a keen interest in writing virtuosic piano music. Throughout his musical journey, Conroy has experienced many performance opportunities. He has performed concertos with the Nelson Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Auckland Chamber Ensemble and Auckland Symphony Orchestra.

Over the years, Conroy has gained various awards throughout New Zealand. He was a semi-finalist in the 2019 Wallace Piano Competition, and in 2018 received the Lions Club of Te Awamutu Scholarship. At his high school, he received the Senior Minister’s plate twice, and was also awarded the Headmaster’s Performing Arts Scholarship in 2016. In the same year, Conroy won the Tauranga Performing Arts Competition Society Major Award.